Law Office of Amy B. Van Fossen, P.A. - Elder Law

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Toll Free: 800-495-9153     Local: 321-426-1848

Striving to Protect the people 
you love, the assets you own,
and the dreams you hold dear

Qualify for Medicaid the Legal and Honest Way

Did you know that there are thousands of Americans that are eligible for assistance such as Medicaid for Nursing Homes or Assisted Living care and never even apply for these benefits? If you avoid the benefits of this process you could be wasting thousands of available dollars every year.

What is an even worse is a problem that is seen all too often when dealing with elder issues — many people make the mistake of acting on bad advice from well-meaning family members and friends or making important financial and Estate Planning decisions without having all the facts. Under the tough new Medicaid guidelines, these common mistakes of assets transfers or failure to plan ahead can cause penalty periods that can last months or even years. A penalty period means that the person would not be eligible for Medicaid for a period of time. We here at Amy B. Van Fossen, P.A., work hard to not allow this happen to you or your family.

Making sense of the Medicaid eligibility rules is a very daunting process. Our team helps families navigate the complex system and work hard to fix the problems of those who tried to do it themselves or without the assistance of an Attorney.

To help simplify this important phase by answering your most pressing questions, offering real-world strategies that work, and walking you though the entire process step-by-step. It’s what we do!

Here are Just Some of the Strategies That we Here at Amy B. Van Fossen, P.A., can assist you with.

  • Find out why “traditional” Estate Planning may not work…and find out what does.
  • Discover some of the biggest mistakes family members and caregivers of folks requiring a Nursing Home often make and how they can be avoided!
  • Learn how gifting money to your children can disqualify you from Medicaid unless it’s done properly and legally.
  • Find out how you may be able to protect your home from an estate recovery claim made by the state.
  • Learn how a person’s retirement plans can be decimated and how you might be able to protect them and other assets.
  • Discover a hidden benefit for Veterans and their spouses that could help to cover the high cost of home health care or Assisted Living.
  • Learn how to find the right Nursing Home and how to get good care there.

No situation is the same which is why it is so important to consult with an experienced Attorney before moving any assets around, especially when faced with requiring assistance and Nursing Home care for the one you love.

Amy B. Van Fossen

Amy B. Van Fossen

(Formerly Attorney Amy B. Jackson)